Troubleshoot Convert to Inferred Migration

Nx comes with plugins that automatically infer tasks (i.e. Project Crystal) for your projects based on the configuration of different tools. Inference plugins come with many benefits, such as reduced boilerplate and access to features such as task splitting. To make the transition easier for existing projects that are not yet using inference plugins, many plugins provide the convert-to-inferred generator that will switch from executor-based tasks to inferred tasks.

To see a list of the available migration generators, run:

nx g convert-to-inferred

This will prompt you to choose a plugin to run the migration for.

Although the convert-to-inferred generator should work for most projects, there are situations that require additional changes to be done by hand. If you run into issues that are not covered on this page, please open an issue on GitHub.

Error: The nx plugin did not find a project inside...

This error occurs when a configuration file matching the tooling cannot be found. For example, Vite works with vite.config.ts (or .js, .cts, .mts, etc.). If you've named your configuration file to something unconventional, you must rename it back to the standard naming convention before running the migration generator again.

For example, if you have a apps/demo/vite.custom.ts file and are running nx g @nx/vite:convert-to-inferred, you must first rename the file to apps/demo/vite.config.ts before running the generator.

Remix: Unsupported outputPath Option

The outputPath option from @nx/remix:build is ignored because it often leads to ESM errors when the output path is outside the project root. The ESM error occurs because the root package.json may not have "type": "module" set, which means that the compiled ESM code will fail to run. To guarantee that serve works, we migrate the outputs to the Remix defaults (build and public/build inside the project root). If you have custom directories already defined in your Remix config, it will continue to be used.

To change the outputs after the migration, edit the remix config file, and look for serverBuildPath and assetsBuildDirectory and set it to the locations you want.

1// ... 2export default { 3 assetsBuildDirectory: '../../dist/apps/demo/public/build', 4 serverBuildPath: '../../dist/apps/demo/build/index.js', 5 // ... 6}; 7

Note that you will need to address potential ESM issues that may arise. For example, change the root package.json to "type": "module".

Remix: Unsupported generatePackageJson and generateLockFile Options

The generatePackageJson and generateLockFile options in @nx/remix:build cannot currently be migrated. There is support for this feature in the Nx Vite plugin, so in the future we may be able to support it if using Remix+Vite.

Storybook: Conflicting staticDir Options

Using staticDir for both @nx/storybook:build-storybook and @nx/storybook:storybook executor options will result in the one from build-storybook being used in the resulting .storybook/main.ts file. It is not possible for us to support both automatically.

If you need to differentiate staticDir between build and serve, then consider putting logic into your main.ts file directly.

1// ... 2const config: StorybookConfig = { 3 // ... 4 staticDirs: 5 process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' 6 ? ['../static-prod'] 7 : ['../static-dev'], 8}; 9 10export default config; 11

Vite: Unsupported proxyConfig Option

Projects that used the proxyConfig option of @nx/vite:dev-server will need to inline the proxy configuration from the original file into vite.config.ts.

For example, if you previously used this in proxy.config.json:

1{ 2 "/api/*": { 3 "target": "http://localhost:3333" 4 } 5} 6

Then, you will need to add this entry to your vite.config.ts file:

1export default defineConfig({ 2 //... 3 server: { 4 // ... 5 proxy: { 6 '/api': { 7 target: 'http://localhost:3333', 8 }, 9 }, 10 }, 11}); 12

Webpack: Project Cannot Be Migrated

Projects that use Nx-enhanced Webpack configuration files cannot be migrated to use Webpack CLI. Nx-enhanced configuration files that contain composePlugins and withNx require the @nx/webpack:webpack executor to work.

To solve this issue, run nx g @nx/webpack:convert-config-to-webpack-plugin first, and then try again.

Webpack: Usage of useLegacyNxPlugin

When converting from Nx-enhanced to basic Webpack configuration, we add the useLegacyNxPlugin utility to ensure that the functionality of your existing configuration continues to function normally. We recommend that you refactor the configuration such that useLegacyNxPlugin is not needed.

For example, if you previously added plugins using the configuration function.

1// webpack.config.old.js 2modules.exports = (config) => { 3 config.plugins.push(new SomePlugin()); 4 return config; 5}; 6

Then, we recommend that you move the plugin entry to the new configuration file, in the plugins option.

1module.exports = async () => ({ 2 devServer: devServerOptions, 3 plugins: [new NxAppWebpackPlugin(pluginOptions), new SomePlugin()], 4}); 5

If you need to apply configuration changes after NxAppWebpackPlugin is applied, then you can create a plugin object as follows.

1module.exports = async () => ({ 2 devServer: devServerOptions, 3 plugins: [ 4 new NxAppWebpackPlugin(pluginOptions), 5 { 6 apply(compiler) { 7 const babelLoader = compiler.options.module.rules.find( 8 (rule) => 9 rule && 10 typeof rule !== 'string' && 11 rule.loader?.toString().includes('babel-loader') 12 ); 13 14 // do something with `babelLoader... 15 }, 16 }, 17 ], 18}); 19